
Even as a small business we want to pay attention on every aspect of our products. And for us, taking care of the environment is also a priority.

We are happy to share that part of the products in our store are made with a innovative Brazilian technology, which is a pioneer in the world. The fabric is called Fluity-(CO2)® A.O.P. - it is a knitted fabric of elastane and microfiber biodegradable nylon. 

With smooth visual and gently elasticized structure, this article uses microfiber nylon whose filaments can be thinner as an human hair, adding to the product a touch of extreme softness, plus a flexible and nice fit to the body. This softness provides smooth skin contact and exceptional comfort during use associated with good absorption of natural moisture from the body due to nylon feature. The fabric also has UV protection 50+ against ultraviolet radiation and is free of toxic chemicals to human skin.

How does it work? 

Once your DINI made with this technology has spent enough summers and adventures with you (and we guarantee it can be many), and it goes to disposal landfills, it can quickly decompose! Polyamide - also called nylon - used to take years to decompose, and with this technology it can take up to a maximum of 3 years. 

Also, if you use our instructions of use, you can make your part in making even less impact:

Small daily attitudes such as the maintenance of clothes (washing and ironing) are also common actions that emit this CO2 gas into the atmosphere. This technology provides odor control and can be washed much less, using less water and energy, thus contributing to our planet.

The Fluity -(CO2)® A.O.P. is an article of CO2control® family.